Your Boss Wants…

you to “get it” quickly, develop a plan quickly, and then take action. you to clear all the smaller roadblocks yourself, exercising creativity without burning down the business. you to execute without asking too many questions. your unique talents to augment her efforts, not require her time and affection. you to try looking from the Boss perspective at your project now and again. you to anticipate a little. warning flags early enough to step in and fix things, if need be. you to keep her posted, but not pestered. (Communicate the big things). to know when to act, and when to recommend.

By the same token, there are things that don’t make life easy for your boss. And by the way, “Boss” can be supervisor, board of directors if you’re the CEO, your customers if you’re a work-for-yourself type. You can stretch the definition, if you want to stretch the meaning. Here are some things your boss DOESN’T want. Your Boss Doesn’t Want…

dead mice left on the pillow. (If you’re a cat owner, this makes sense). low-level problems you technically should be able to handle. every micro piece of status, especially the ones you fix but COULD’VE been a bomb. to be left in the dark, either. “I tried, but couldn’t get it done in time.” (See warning flags above) to be part of your family, as much as a friendly colleague. Even if they SAY family. your dramas to become her dramas.

Well there. I’ve said what came right to mind, but I know that I’ve left out some choice ideas on both sides of this spectrum. Come on, skillful life hackers! What can we add to this post on both sides of the spectrum? And please point out where you think my advice would get you fired. That would also be interesting. –Chris Brogan works for Network2 and keeps a blog at []. For the record, his own personal boss wants a LOT more than he listed, but that would be cheating. : )