If you think that the key to happiness lies in finding your soul mate or achieving fame and fortune, think again. The energy you waste, the enormous struggle that can accompany the waiting and the wanting, can often lead to great frustration and unhappiness. It is not how much you have, but how much you enjoy and celebrate the present that creates real happiness. If you let go of anxiety and uncertainty about the future and instead focus your attention on the now and all of the blessings that are currently in your life, you will discover enough happiness to fill your heart for a lifetime. Happiness is good for your health and improves your quality of life. The energy associated with happiness raises your vibration, and when your energy is high, miracles can happen. Happiness creates a ripple effect. Positive energy is contagious; if you choose happiness, you will spread happiness. These 10 tips will help to fill your heart with happiness instantly:

1. Count your blessings

If you are surrounded by loved ones and are warm, healthy, and not hungry, acknowledge your blessings and give thanks. The source of happiness is love and peace.

2. Simplify life

What do you really need? We come into this world with nothing and we leave with nothing. You can’t take your worldly possessions with you, so fill your life with experiences. Find joy in the simple things and let go of the things that weigh heavy on your heart.

3. Find what lifts you up

You might feel exhilarated when you run, dance, hike, paint, sing, meditate. Whatever is good for your soul, do more of that!

4. Connect with people who are happy

Both positive and negative energy is contagious, so choose to surround yourself with people who bring real happiness into your life. Spending too much time with people who drain you for all the wrong reasons will deplete your valuable energy. Make a concerted effort to share space with people who are happy and are willing to spread joy freely.

5. Let go of what your life should look like

Nothing good ever comes from comparing your life to anyone else’s. Whether we are comparing the size of our houses, our finances, physical features or any number of measurable and even unmeasurable things, so many of us are guilty of doing it. Your life is yours. It is your journey; focusing your energy on all that is wonderful in your world is a much better way to create a happy life. How your life measures up against others holds absolutely no importance.

6. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness improves our health; it reduces stress levels and helps us feel more relaxed. It involves us bringing our attention to the here and now. Mindfulness is about really connecting with ourselves and appreciating the sheer joy of every moment. It is a profound way to experience happiness.

7. Be yourself

Sometimes you just need to realize that you don’t have to become a different person to change your life. You actually just need to be yourself. You were born to be real. Believe in yourself. You are your own source of happiness.

8. A positive mindset

The power of a positive mindset can quite literally change your life. Make it a habit to practice positivity. Ask yourself “What kind of day am I going to have?” Are you going to have a good day or a great day? You create your mindset for the whole day by making a choice. By choosing to have an amazing day, you will flood your whole body, mind and spirit with happiness.

9. Happiness comes from giving

Invest some time and energy and give generously from your ability to be kind. Kindness and generosity of spirit will literally open up the floodgates to happiness. Don’t believe me? I promise you it will change your life and the lives of so many around you. Give from your heart. It will fill you up like nothing else you have ever experienced. The kind of energy associated with giving from the heart generates pure happiness.

10. Nourish your mind body and spirit

Invest in your own wellness and practice self-care daily. We all need to nurture ourselves emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally. Feeling well and healthy naturally supports happiness.You have to take ownership of your journey, whether that be with your diet, your overall wellness, your fitness or just life in general. Self-care and making better choices in all areas of your wellness is empowering. If you want to feel real happiness, real joy, real energy, then take care of you. It is your birth right to be happy. You deserve to be happy and, quite literally, you can choose to be happy. There is always something to be happy about, even in our darkest of moments. We can always choose to look for the light. Right now, find something to be happy about. This is the very first step in ensuring that you participate in the sheer joy of happiness. Today, I choose happiness. Featured photo credit: Eflon via flickr.com