It means getting an inch closer to near and dear ones to show that you love them, to show that you care for them. Christmas also means reaching out to help people, taking stands as savior where needed and being abundant in mercy – just like Jesus did. In simple words, Christmas implies filling up the life with little joys and putting an effort to make the world & society around a better place to live in. There are several Christmas quotes that will help you to have a better view on the actual spirit of Christmas.

It’s a state of mind

Mary Chase & Calvin Coolidge were right when they said Christmas is a “state of mind”. Yes, the spirit of Christmas is not just confined to one single date- in fact, if you understand the true value or meaning of Christmas, you will be able to enjoy the feel anyday & anytime. The true meaning of Christmas lies in assuring peace and goodwill, the very reason for which God sent his one and only son to the land of sufferings to show us the light of a better world. So, if we can have this in us to stop fighting and practice goodwill, every day would be as grand as a Christmas celebration.

Christmas is all about love and spreading love

It was God’s love for the mankind that made him send his beloved Son to the world of sufferings. Thus, Christmas means extending our helping hand to the people we love, it means doing a “little something extra” for those we care about. Dale Evans had rightly said that Christmas signifies “love in action” and whenever we do something good for people, whenever we love them or care for them, it’s Christmas. By sending his own son to us, God wanted us to understand that when it comes to greater good, we should always come forward with whatever we have- even if it means sacrificing something or somebody who is the dearest to us.

It’s a feeling

Yes, Christmas is a feeling which comes spontaneously when someone is willing to bring little joys in others’ lives to make the world around a better place to live in . It’s not something which is dependent on just Christmas trees or Christmas discounts or lit-up homes in December. As Roy Smith had said- a person who doesn’t have the spirit of Christmas in his heart, won’t ever find it under a mere tree. So, enjoy a merry Christmas and make sure to make it merrier for all those around you.

Top 10 Christmas Quotes to Lighten Up Your Day - 32