Many qualities and skills together with a powerful mindset are needed to become that good at something, to reach the top of a career and to stay consistent at it. He is a role model, has inspired generations, and is the reason many people fall in love with basketball. He managed to unleash his full potential and is an example of success, action and ambition. There’s a lot he can teach us about life. So here are 10 valuable lessons we can all learn from Michael Jordan:

1. He accepts failure

“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something.” Successful people know that defeats are the most valuable experience in life. It’s our mistakes that show us the right way eventually. And Michael Jordan decided to accept failure, learn from it and do his best next time early on in his career.

2. Always try again

“…But I can’t accept not trying.” Yes, you will fail. But nothing will ever happen if you don’t get out there and try again. The famous basketball player is all about that. It’s his perspiration that made him who he is today. Way too many people give up on something after they fail a few times, and that’s why they don’t reach the success that’s waiting for them.

3. Practice daily

“I set another goal…a reasonable, manageable goal that I could realistically achieve if I worked hard enough. I approached everything step by step.” Getting good at something is not enough these days. Many people are good at many things. But if you want to make a difference and live your life to the fullest by doing your best, you’ll need to master a skill. For him it was one of the greatest sports. And if he didn’t show up to practice every single day, even when no one expected him to, he wouldn’t be a winner. You don’t just need to be consistent and to work hard. It’s the daily commitment that lets you be the best version of yourself and become the best at something. Once you do, however, it becomes your legacy. And you feel accomplished and content no matter the results.

4. Take action

“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” Many people spend a great deal of time trying to think of the best idea, to plan it, to predict everything that could happen and prepare for it. Others dream more than they do. But, truth is, nothing will ever happen if you don’t do something about it, and there’s no better time than today. Action breeds action. And if you’re initiative and consistent in what you do, you’ll succeed.

5. Enjoy the game

“Enjoy every minute of life.” Whatever you do, make sure you’re having fun. That’s what Michael Jordan was doing during each game. Life is much easier this way, and you perform better. So go find something you enjoy, get good at it and create something meaningful out of your life.

6. Let go of expectations

“If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.” Another great lesson from Michael Jordan is that expectations often get in the way of what we want to achieve in life. And if you let them, they prevent you from moving forward. But it’s all in your hands and others have nothing to do with it. So don’t listen to what they expect, don’t take into consideration how they see things, just stay focused on the game and do what feels right.

7. Be dedicated

“He didn’t miss games. He played hurt, with pain, when he was sick. He came out and performed at an intense level. I don’t think anybody ever went away disappointed after watching Michael.” – Phil Jackson In order to receive what success has for you, you’ll have to give something in exchange. It’s often your time, energy and focus. Dedicate enough of them, and you’ll be on top of your game.

8. Be humble

“There will be a player greater than me.” Michael Jordan knows that even if the world thinks he is the best basketball player, someone else will eventually come along who is better. And that’s how we should all act. Stop thinking that you are the best and no one can be better. Humility is a trait that is highly valued and respected.

9. Stay focused on your goals

“The game has its ups and downs, but you can never lose focus of your individual goals and you can’t let yourself be beat because of lack of effort.” There are many distractions in life. And it wasn’t any different for Michael Jordan. He had to deal with failures, other people’s opinion, his personal problems, team members, what the media said about him, fame, and many other things. But he never stopped being concentrated on his goals. He kept his vision, stayed true to what he believed in, and never let anything from the outside world get to his mind or heart.

10. Leave fear behind

“Limits, like fears, are often just an illusion” He realized that fear was an illusion earlier than others, and that gave him the freedom to try harder and dream bigger. Fear of failure is a big obstacle on the way to success. Be we won’t go any further unless we let go of it. It’s important to realize that the only barriers are the ones we set for ourselves. We create such illusions that make us afraid to take action. And without action, there’s no progress. So don’t be afraid to do what you love and fail as much as you can. All these lessons, together with the unforgettable games Michael Jordan played, are his legacy. And we can do the same. Everything in life is possible. We just need to have a definite desire and take action upon it every single day. Featured photo credit: Michael Jordon by Jason H. Smith (creative commons) via